Hi folks, this is Mr. Freeman the new school principal and the first thing I'd like you to know is that we have an excellent, fully staffed team this year! The second thing is that we're creating a short list of Hopes and Dreams in response to conversations with parents over the last month. It seems there's a desire for full day Kindergarten and a Friday Family Activity day. These will take a bit of time to arrange, but it's my goal to move in these directions. Oh, we're looking into a daycare, too. As I said, these are Hopes and Dreams -- but be assured we want to do the best for kids and the good community of Thorne Bay. There's a lot of information I need to get to you tonight and tomorrow, so please keep an eye out on Facebook and the school website, https://www.sisd.org/o/thornebay, and your email. All my best, Nate Freeman, Principal Thorne Bay School
Hopes and Dreams
August 26, 2023