URGENT: SISD has four (4) School Board member openings! Please see announcement below. Due to the reappropriation determined by the recent census, we now have three (3) sections (instead of two). This means that there are now 2 seats available for the City of Thorne Bay but Thorne Bay is also now combined with Kasaan and the area east of Thorne Bay (see below for all section descriptions). Please consider running for a vacant SISD School Board seat and please share this post - especially at your city and community council meetings! The Term of Office listed below is staggered due to the reappropriation so that we do not have a complete turn-over in school board members every three years. Note: Candidacy filing deadline is 8/5/22. See the following website for more information, a Candidacy Declaration Form and important dates.

School Board Seats Open for Election
July 7, 2022