
Alaska Tides to Tongass Science and Arts Academy

We are excited to announce that our school district is offering the ATTSAA program again this coming school year (2025-26)! The next ATTSAA session will run from August 29th to November 10th, 2025. Students from the United States (public or home schooled) who will be sophomores, juniors, or seniors in the coming school year are eligible to apply.

Applications must be submitted in the window of April 7th - April 21st to be accepted. Find the application at the link below and start now to have all of your materials (Application Form, Transcript, Letter of Recommendation, and "Essay" Responses) ready in time.


Alaska Tides to Tongass Science and Arts Academy is a 10-week magnet program for high school students from across the nation located in Port Alexander, Alaska—a remote community situated in one of the beautiful bays where the Tongass National Forest meets the Pacific Ocean on rugged Baranof Island in the Alexander Archipelago.  Accessed by boat or float-plane, the environment – one of the most pristine on Earth – provides the perfect setting for hands-on learning about our temperate rainforest and ocean ecosystems. 

Students come away with a deeper understanding of the species that make up these habitats and the interconnectedness of their facets, as well as the ways humans have impacted them.  They practice scientific thinking as they become scientists in the field.  The arts component of our program helps students develop forms of expression through which they can gain a deeper appreciation of the natural world and cultural heritage. ATTSAA students also get the chance to practice archeological skills and think about world history in an applied way through the lens of Port Alexander's (and Alaska's) interesting history tied to world events and economic tides, and how those events and trends, in turn, affected the environment.

While enrolled in Port Alexander School within the Southeast Island School District, the students have a class schedule that meets the needs of the high schools they return to at the quarter --with the core subjects taught, along with an Outdoor P.E./Survival elective and an Art elective-- but where field-learning is frequent and concepts are taught through unique, integrated, place-based curriculum and experiences.  Guest lecturers– experts in their fields– are brought in for weekly units of in-depth learning on topics such as cold-water safety and wilderness survival, marine ecology, Northwest Coast traditional art forms, foraging wild edibles, marine debris, Alaska fisheries, creative writing, and more. 

WhaleFest 23

The program culminates with attendance of the 3-day symposium at Sitka WhaleFest in Sitka (from which the students will be flying in and out), where world-renowned marine scientists share their research. Through the ATTSAA program, they will have the chance to receive a dual high school and college biology credit ("Current Topics in Marine Research") through the University of Alaska Southeast for attending the WhaleFest lectures, Question and Answer sessions with the scientists, and completing an assignment.  Home - Sitka Whalefest


The six to ten high school students accepted annually from around the nation also get the rare opportunity to experience life in our small off-grid fishing-based community where there are no roads or cars and cell-service is limited, and resilience and zest-for-life is not.  For the duration of the 10-week program, the students are housed with host families and invited to participate and integrate with the community through events and service projects, building responsibility and leadership skills, and are provided opportunities for foraging, hiking, beach combing, kayaking and on other expeditions to explore our area and build confidence and skill in the wilderness.

A fee of $850 covers air fare from Sitka, Alaska, housing, meals, and all other program costs, with needs-based scholarships available!

Old Growth Forest

Our Four Pillars:

Scientific Exploration - Historical & Cultural Inquiry - Artistic Expression - Outdoor Skills & Leadership

Our Mission & Philosophy:

Alaska Tides to Tongass Science and Arts Academy exists to give students from diverse backgrounds hands-on experience in the amazing marine and rainforest ecosystems of Southeast Alaska through the teaching of wilderness skills, science, culture and history, and artistic expression.  We believe that with opportunities to take part as a learner and leader in our unique remote community, students will gain confidence in their ability to adapt to new situations, to benefit their future communities, and to thrive in and protect their natural environments. 


ATTSAA Student Feedback:

“Personal growth flourished in the absolute silence that can be found. Never before have I been able to close my eyes and not hear some sort of artificial noise. The space from the ‘rest of the world’ helped me think through a lot of really intense ideas within my own mind and gave me enough time to solve them.”

“I love Port Alexander Alaska and I loved my time during the ATTSAA program! It’s hard to choose what my favorite thing was, but I decided on all the relationships I made. Port Alexander might be a town of only 30 people, but all of them are so kind and caring and I became friends with many of them.” 

“I had so many amazing experiences in the field. I loved all of our kayaking trips, hiking excursions, and skiffing journeys. I think my favorite memory of a school journey out into the field was when we went kayaking across the bay, hiking to the muskeg, recording observations, playing games, and collecting berries, all in the pouring rain.” 

“Did [ATTSAA] help with what I want to grow up and do? Did it grow me personally? Was it a valuable experience in my life? Yes. Yes. And yes! ATTSAA has changed and helped me so much personally and with my direction in life… Good words to sum up how I’ve changed are confidence, self-worth, and true joy.” 

“The area and landscape was undoubtedly one of the best things about the trip, there is so much life and so many activities to do. Ten weeks still left so much that I would love to come back and do.”

“Participating in the ATTSAA program did worlds of good for my personal growth… probably the most important opportunity for personal growth I received in Alaska was being able to straighten out priorities that I had back home with my phone use being a constant concern. Breaking free from that pattern has been instrumental in giving me room to prepare for the oncoming responsibilities of adulthood now that I am back home.” 

“Learning to re-enter a kayak out on the water was most definitely a highlight. Although a skill that I will hopefully never have to use in the field, it is good to know and was exceptionally fun to learn.” 

“The program very much exceeded my expectations as far as enjoyment and new experiences. There was much more to do and see than I had anticipated and the people were wonderful… Undoubtedly I would recommend this program to anyone who enjoys physical and mental challenge and new experiences.” 

“So much movement out of doors helped all the beauty to freeze into moments inside my mind which I can take with me anywhere.” 

“Never before had I been given the opportunity to have hands-on experience in Marine biology and old growth rainforests. The opportunity to not only be surrounded by incredible creatures in my everyday life, but to have experts brought into a group, small enough for attention to be given to the educational growth of each and every child, really showed me a whole world of lifetime opportunities that I am so grateful to have.” 

“Some of the coolest things we got to be a part of really were just a day to day life for the residents in Port Alexander... But the things we learned there should be crucial for every person to know about... This program and school aren't like your ordinary school. You don't just read things out of the textbook and take tests, then forget about it the moment you have to study a new chapter. Everything we did was hands-on, we got to experience and practice these things for ourselves and got to understand the importance of them. Like what plants were safe to eat and what wasn't, or how to build fires or shelters, or even how to sea kayak! The list goes on and on and I have learned more about life in my two months there than I have ever learned in any normal school year.” 

“If you've ever wondered what it would be like to step into one of those National Geographic shows, that is exactly what you'll feel going to Port Alexander!” 

“I definitely feel like this program has given me valuable experiences that I will remember and take into account for the rest of my life. Specifically, it showed me all the wonderful possibilities, experiences, and options that are out in the world, just waiting to be had.”

“I Absolutely feel like my academic, health and emotional needs were met, not only were my expectations and needs met, I’d say they were exceeded. The coordinator was always willing to talk and discuss any concerns, and the host parents were very supportive in all that we needed.” 

“Experiencing the natural world has been a perspective change for me. It balanced my mindset and helped me realize how fundamentally wondrous nature can be.”

“At home, I never got to see the stars due to light pollution. Being here at Port Alexander, I saw the Big Dipper in front of me for the first time of my life.” 

“Not only did it bring a random group of six teenagers together to form bonds that I hope will last a lifetime, but it also gave us a look at how important our environment is and a list of possible careers and futures none of us really considered until ATTSAA.”

 “Coming here was an amazing opportunity, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in seeing what it’s like here.”

 “Coming from a small reservation in Arizona, this program has really changed my life.”

 “ATTSAA has been an experience that was life-changing and eye-opening.”


Check out these interviews and articles about our magnet school! (*some of the information in the below sources has changed as we have updated and honed our program)

We are excited to announce that our school district is offering the ATTSAA program again this coming school year (2025-26)! The next ATTSAA session will run from August 29th to November 10th, 2025. Students from the United States (public or home schooled) who will be sophomores, juniors, or seniors in the coming school year are eligible to apply.

Applications must be submitted in the window of April 7th - April 21st to be accepted. Find the application at the link above and start now to have all of your materials (Transcript, Letter of Recommendation, and "Essay" Responses) ready in time!

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